About Me

About Me

I'm a workshop leader working with Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.


I also write for children and for a range of companies. I once even got to write product descriptions for toys! Unfortunately, I did not get to play with the toys.

I came to do what I'm doing now because after studying English Literature at Cambridge I became a local reporter, where I wrote about cats stuck in trees.

Actually it was more about council meetings, MRSA outbreaks, and local trees being cut down.

But I was also in charge of writing the arts pages, so I got to interview lots of writers, artists, comedians and other performers.

Round the corner from the newspaper office was the local library with a wonderful children’s section, and that's where I became interested in working with kids. 

I started writing for children and then decided I wanted to work with them directly in schools. I developed the Yucky Stuff workshop, and here we are today.

You can also have a look at my main website, miriamcraig.com.