Yucky Facts

Some delightful facts...

In the Yucky Stuff workshop, kids learn some fascinating facts about what we find disgusting, why, and what other people around the world find yucky too. Here are some more facts for if you're feeling particularly brave! 

Perfumes sometimes contain some yucky things. Did you know that in the past perfume was made using ambergris, which is a grey waxy substance found in the stomachs of sperm whales? Even today, some perfumes contain greasy goo that you get from an animal called a civet, which is from Africa and looks a bit like a cat. The greasy goo comes from the civet’s bottom!

Perfume used to be made using ambergris, a grey waxy substance found in the stomachs of sperm whales.

Perfume used to be made using ambergris, a grey waxy substance found in the stomachs of sperm whales.

The Japanese have invented a special noise-making machine to cover up the sound of going to the loo.

The Japanese have invented a special noise-making machine to cover up the sound of going to the loo.

In Japan many people hate the idea of others hearing what they’re doing on the toilet. They think it’s super-disgusting. So they’ve invented a special gadget to solve the problem. The Sound Princess is an electronic device that sits next to the loo and when switched on makes the sound of constant flushing. So you could be doing a Number 1 or a Number 2 in there – or you could be tap-dancing on the toilet seat - and no one would know the difference!

A medieval sorcerer... or just someone who needed a bath.

A medieval sorcerer... or just someone who needed a bath.

In the Middle Ages it was believed that you could tell if someone was a sorcerer because of their foul smell, and that very religious people could tell what you had done wrong by smelling you. So make sure you wash your cheesy feet properly... or you could find yourself being burned at the stake!

In ancient Hawaii the chief's fingernail clippings were considered 'forbidden' or 'sacred.' 

In ancient Hawaii the chief's fingernail clippings were considered 'forbidden' or 'sacred.' 

In ancient Hawaii it was forbidden to touch the chief’s fingernail clippings. They were considered, ‘forbidden’ along with loads of other things such as touching the chief’s hair and wearing red and yellow feathers. My question is, why would you want to touch his fingernail clippings anyway??!


Hampton Court Palace, where Henry VIII had his Great House of Easement, which was basically a giant 28-seater toilet.

Hampton Court Palace, where Henry VIII had his Great House of Easement, which was basically a giant 28-seater toilet.

At Hampton Court Henry VIII had a Great House of Easement – a row of seats with holes in them which allowed 28 heads of state to talk about current affairs and poo at the same time.  

That's quite enough disgusting facts for now, I think... Enjoy your lunch!